PC-SIG: World of Games
PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso
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Text File
368 lines
TUNE = off
REPLACE '"',' '
if @ hits '>' score + 1
score = 1
#########"Esprit de E Games Language"##############
#### plus "The Rise & Fall of the Human Race"######
" Congratulations on your purchase of this
"product. This product includes two quite large
"games, the Games Collection, comprising over 20
"completely different games and 'The Rise and Fall
"of the Human Race' (RISE) an arcade / graphic
"adventure of 25 levels. These were both written
"in an arcade-game language called 'EGL' (Esprit
"de E Games Language) which comes included in this
"product. If you want to create your own games
"with EGL, you will have to pay only $39 to get
"the manual and the password (this includes
"registration). There is more info on creating
"your own games on the 7th screen, and information
"about registering on the next screen.
"To go to the next To return to the
"screen, press the main menu, press
"RIGHT arrow key:" @> "<F10>."
" This is a ShareWare product. This means
"anyone is free to make and distribute as many
"copies of this program as they like, without
"paying me (as the programmer / developer) any
"money. However, the users of this program are
"required to 'register' if they use it a lot. This
"means that if you try out this program, and you
"like it, you should then pay for your copy. (You
"are reminded of this 3 times during the Games
"Collection and RISE). On the other hand, if you
"don't like it, don't use it and don't register.
" ShareWare is potentially a vastly better
"method of software distribution than the normal
"commercial methods.
" You are free to give your friends copies
"of this program, in fact if you do, you are doing
"me a favor.
" Press the RIGHT arrow (or <F10>):" @>
"P.S. Playing instructions will come in a moment.
" You have several incentives to register:
"(a) You may find some levels quite difficult,
" especially further on. Rather than get very
" frustrated because you can't do them, you can
" register and ask for the 'Cheat Booklet'.
" This tells you how to do each level, and if
" this still doesn't help you, it has a sealed
" list of passwords and tells you how to skip
" each level. Note: You don't receive this
" unless you explicitly request it. All
" registered users are entitled to it for free.
"(b) The extremely low registration fees are the
" only return I receive for months of work and
" my only reason for producing more products or
" enhancing this one.
"(c) You can create your own games if you like,
" for fun, for prototyping your own games, for
" education, for gifts, for puzzles and so on.
" To do this, pay $US 39 instead and I will
" send you the EGL manual and master password.
" More information in screen 15. "XXXX @> XX
"(d) You can get $US150 if you create your own
" games and win the competition. Details later.
" Repeating the instructions on the Main Menu:
"You must send the equivalent of $US25 as a cheque
"or money order in any of the following currencies:
"$US,£UK,$Can, $NZ, Fmk (or $AUS25 for Australians)
"to the address: Tim Cooper
" 31 Epping Ave
" EASTWOOD - 2122
" The $25 will cover the costs of producing"
"this product and also go towards version 2. This
"is an extremely reasonable price. If you want to
"create your games, the price goes up to $39, (or
"$AUS39 for Australians) and you will receive the
"EGL programming manual and the password that
"allows you to run your creations.
" If you have any queries, write to me at
"that address, but if you want a reply, enclose a
"self-addressed envelope with 2 'International
"Return Mail vouchers' which you can get at any
"post office in the civilised world.
" Press the right arrow:" @>
"PLAYING THE GAMES" @@@@ $00 "
" If you think you can try to figure out for
"yourself how to play, by all means go ahead. To
"do this, press <F10>.
" To move the little man on the screen
"which represents you, use the cursor keys (the
"arrow keys). In each level you have a different
"objective, for example you may be required to
"catch a star"≤*≤±" or defuse some bombs"≤0≤±" or
"collect all the dots"≤.≤±"In general, you have to
"collect all the dots, defuse all the bombs (just
"by moving into them), and get all the cherries "\
"and diamonds"/"that are on the screen. Then you
"will either go automatically onto the next screen
"or flashing yellow arrows will suddenly appear
"which you must reach. You must also avoid capture
"by the enemies which constantly chase you, and
"avoid the poison bottles"º≥"If you see the digits
"from 1 upward scattered around the screen, you
"must visit them all IN ORDER. The "$± £± and ¥
"symbols just increase your score and it's not
"compulsory to get them." @>
" Some levels have 'gravity', some don't."
"If there is gravity, you and all the enemies will
"always fall to the ground. You can usually jump,
"using the space bar, and you will usually have
"ladders and ropes which you can climb up.
" In other levels, you will be able to"
"shoot things. To shoot, you usually need to press
"the SPACE-BAR or use SHIFT- and the arrow keys to
"shoot in a particular direction.
" Some levels are more like puzzles than
"arcade games, and require a little thought to get
"through them. (But don't worry, they start off
" In most levels, it will be clear enough
"(if not at first, then after a bit of
"experimentation) what you have to do. You will
"be told for each level any particular
"instructions you need. The next level has a
"sample game." @>
"Try it out on this simple game: " X// >
"Defuse the bomb, grab the diamonds, " XX @ \
"eat the cherries and get the dots: " X0.......
" There are a few keys with special meaning:
"ESC: This pauses & can also return you to the
main menu.
"SCROLL-LOCK: This turns the sound on and off.
"PAUSE: This pauses the game.
"'>' and '<': These speed the game up or slow it
" down.
"<F7>: This changes the colours you see.
"<F8>: This kills your man. Use it if you get
" stuck somewhere with no other way to kill
" yourself.
"<F9>: This starts the whole game from the very
" beginning.
"<F10>: This returns you directly to the main
" menu. "@>
" Q : These are alternative keys to the arrow
"[ ] keys. With these, you can play with two
" A hands.
"PASSWORDS" @@@@ $00 "
" There quite a few levels in 'RISE'. Once
"you have mastered the first few you don't want to
"have to play them every time in order to reach
"the harder levels. For this reason there is a
"password system:
" Once you have mastered the first few
"levels, you will be given a password. From then
"onwards, you can use this password to skip the
"first few levels, and likewise you will be given
"many passwords at different stages of the game.
"To use a password, hit <F5> from the Main Menu
"and type it in.
" The way this system works is that once
"you are told a new password, you can't use it to
"go straight to that level in a new game. The
"password will usually take you to a point several
"levels before. This is so that you need to
"actually master each level to progress, and can't
"just get through one hard level by a fluke.
" If you like, you can type in the password
"from DOS by putting it in brackets after the word
"'EGL'--e.g.: A:>EGL (pass)
" The password system is very simple once
"you use it." @>
password = j@V8CC
" This package comes with another program,
"'DRAW.EXE', which allows you to redraw all the
"characters you see. The shapes of all the objects
"in the games are defined in the FONT files:
" hercules) and FONT.NGA ('No Graphics Adapter',
" for text modes);
"one file for each type of graphics card. You
"should know what type of card you have, but if
"not, just experiment. DRAW also allows you to
"change the palette (the choice of colours used).
" To use DRAW, type from DOS:
" -or- DRAW HGA -or- DRAW.NGA
" -or- DRAW ? for instructions. The
"program is quite straightforward, and if you just
"follow the instructions you will have no
"difficulties." @>
password = jGE+P2K
" EGL automatically senses what video card
"you have. If you want to override this, (e.g. you
"have a CGA card and prefer the 16-colour text
"version to the 4-colour graphics display), or you
"have unforeseen problems with one graphics mode,
"(or you're just plain curious) type the
" A:>EGL VGA -or- EGL EGA -or- EGL CGA
"-or- EGL HGA -or- EGL NGA
"...where HGA stands for Hercules Graphics Adapter
"and NGA means "No Graphics Adapter", i.e. simple
"text." @>
" In many levels there will be a timer
"which ticks down toward zero. If it ever reaches
"zero, you will die.
" Whenever you see the symbol '=', you can
"move into it and get magically transported to the
"other matter transporter.
"Try it:" = @ XXXXXXX
"(Move into the arrow to" XX = >X
"go onto the next level.)" XXXXXXX
password = jFH6W*:G
IF START PUT 32,2 '#'
" The pushable blocks, '#', can be moved
"around the screen by being pushed. Move this
"block into its slot:" XXXXXXXXXX
X### @ >X
X## X
X### # X
X### X
IF START PUT 39,2 '+'
" You can eat the power pills '+' in order
"to get temporary extra strength. This allows you
"to eat the enemies.
" Sometimes you need extra strength in
"order to walk through the tiger grass, sometimes
"you don't. In this example, you do:
@ %% >X
+ %A BX
%% X
code = ODFN
boxes = track
$ £ ¥": Money & riches
) ": You can ride on these hooks.
- | ": These are flashing walls.
+++++": These railway tracks sometimes pull you
+ " along, sometimes they just act as paths,
+ " and sometimes they are just barriers.
: ": Only you can cross these symbols.
, ": Only enemies can cross these symbols.
; ": Sanctuary: When you're sitting on a
" cross, the enemies can't get you.
' ! ": You can climb along or up these ropes.
` ": This is an air vent which shoots you up.
? ": If you try to move into this, it will
" sometimes disappear but sometimes turn
" into a barrier 'X'." @>
" It is easy to create your own games. If
"you look inside the files which end in '.EGL',
"(with a text editor or the DOS 'TYPE' command),
"you will see just how simple it is.
" But you need a password and instructions
"before you can program your own levels. To do
"this you must send $39 to the address on the Main
"Menu. Once you register, you will receive the
"full EGL manual and the password.
" Programming a game involves writing a
"text file with the suitable commands and
"characters. To do this, you need your own text
"editor or word processor that creates text files.
"Every MS-DOS computer comes with a simple text-
"editor 'EDLIN' and instructions for it, but if
"you don't like EDLIN you can get a better text-
"editor from any Shareware software company or
"computer store.
" The EGL manual tells you everything you
"need to know about EGL, but it does not give any
"instructions about any particular text editor."@>
" Once you register, you are eligible to
"enter the competition. Send any games you create
"to the same address, and if it is judged the best
"entry, you will receive $150 and have it released
"as part of future versions of this product. But
"you can get full details by pressing <F4> from
"the main menu." @>
" If you have suggestions for improvements,
"or this program does not work properly on your
"system, or you have questions about registering,
"or the competition, I would very much like to
"hear from you. If you need a reply, you should
"send a self-addressed envelope with an
"International Return Mail voucher, available from
"any Post Office in any country (although you need
"2 to cover air-mail).
" Tim Cooper
" Esprit de E software
" 31 Epping Ave
" EASTWOOD - 2122
" Australia" @>